Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypothesis On Oil Cleaning

If the oil is completly clean then the vegetable oil will run perfectly in the bus.
Some option's for the materials we might need are.
1. Cheese - cloth
2. Funnel
3. Buckets
4. Rubber Bands
5. Paint Filter.

The steps to purifying oil are:

 1. Gather all your waste vegetable oil and pour it through an oil filter this could be any type of filter.

 2. Get 15 liter's of the oil into a 5 gallon bucket. Heat the oil to 100 degrees by placing the jugs in a steel pot and heat with a camp stove. If you have more than that, repeat these steps. Do not change the amount of oil you're going to processs 

3. Make sure you have methanol for this part. Make sure that the pump to transfer it is made of nylon; otherwise the alcohol will destroy the pump and maybe even cause a fire.

4. Mix the lye and the methanol in a can maybe a coffe can. The result will be sodium methoxide. 

5. Clean the bucket, and pour in the oil. Pour half of the mix of sodium methoxide into the bucket. Wait two minutes and then add the rest of the sodium methoxide. 

6. Stir the mix with a drill for mixing paint. Do this for 30 minutes. Place a lid on the bucket and let it rest for 12 hours. Open the lid, stir a bit more and then reclose it and allow the bucket to rest for a few days. 

7. Filter the biodiesel again with a restaurant filter bag. The biodiesel is ready to be used as fuel.

1 comment:

  1. I like your hypothesis, but where are the list of steps to purifying the vegetbale oil?
